LEGO News, LEGO Reviews, and Discussions

Category: LEGO Monthly Mini Build (Page 3 of 4)

LEGO November 2014 Monthly Mini Build Revealed

Even thought October isn’t even here yet, the LEGO Monthly Mini Build November 2014 build has been revealed. According to the October Store Calendar, we already know that next month’s build will be a Frankenstein Monster (40104). As you can see above, November’s mini build will be a rocket on a launching pad (40105). I’m very looking forward to this build and I believe it will be really popular among kids. The mini build event will be on November 4th and as usual, they will be available on a first come, first serve basis.

Update: Just a clarification, the Monthly Mini Builds are held on the first Tuesdays of every month. The next one will be held on November 4th.

**Via Reddit**


LEGO Store September 2014 Monthly Mini Build Event Racing Plane (40102) Review

LEGO Store September 2014 Monthly Mini Build Event

Today is the first Tuesday of the month so that means the September 2014 Monthly Mini Build event at the LEGO Stores took place. This month’s build is the the Racing Plane (40102). As usual, families were waiting for their turn to build the set. Like last month, kids could etiher take the set home or build inside the store.

The Racing Plane is a pretty simple to create. It contains 37 pieces and in addition to the plane, you also get a little stand with a flagpole and a plant. There’s nothing much to the set but it seemed that a lot of kids really enjoyed building it.

A special thanks to all the new people I met today and a continued thanks to the awesome staff working there who continues to spread the word about this little blog.

LEGO Store September 2014 Monthly Mini Build Event Racing Plane (40102) LEGO Store September 2014 Monthly Mini Build Event Racing Plane (40102) LEGO Store September 2014 Monthly Mini Build Event Racing Plane (40102) LEGO Store September 2014 Monthly Mini Build Event Racing Plane (40102)

LEGO Store September 2014 Monthly Mini Build Event Racing Plane (40102)

LEGO Store September 2014 Monthly Mini Build Event

[easyreview title=”The Brick Fan Scoring Summary” cat1title=”Design” cat1detail=” ” cat1rating=”4″ cat2title=”Playability” cat2detail=” ” cat2rating=”4″ cat3title=”Value” cat3detail=” ” cat3rating=”5″ summary=” “]


LEGO Store August 2014 Monthly Mini Build Event Monkey (40101) Review

LEGO August 2014 Monthly Mini Build

Earlier today was the August 2014 Monthly Mini Build at my LEGO Store in Fashion Valley. This month’s build was a Monkey (40101) and as you can see from the picture below, there were lots of families waiting for the event to start. If you were at the store last month for the Surf Van (40100), it was super crazy hectic. Fortunately for this month, the staff had a plan and they tried something different. To deal with the overcrowding issue, kids that were in line today were given the set and they had the opportunity to either build the set inside the store or just take it home. Many chose to leave but there were still a number of kids who wanted to build it, especially with my good friend Genevieve (see below).

On to the Monkey itself, it contains 46 pieces but there weren’t that many rare pieces. You do, however, get an extra whip which is nice. The monkey’s body is kinda awkward and to me it resembles more of E.T.’s body. The head is on a turntable piece so it can spin a full 360 degrees. It’s accessory is a banana.

Overall, the Monkey (40101) is just an okay set. It’s not as cool as last month’s build but it’s nice to have. September’s Monthly Mini Build will be a Racing Plane (40102). I also got to meet a bunch of new fans of the site as well people knew about the site but didn’t know the person behind it, … Continue

LEGO Store July 2014 Monthly Mini Build Event Surf Van (40100) Review

LEGO Store July 2014 Mini Model Build Event

Today was the July 2014 Monthly Mini Build event at the LEGO Store and this month’s build was the Old School Surf Van (40100). The van consists of 46 pieces and it includes some rare pieces including a lime 2×4 wedge plate which has only appeared in 3 other sets and the white surfboard which was only in 2 sets.

I’m not sure the Surf Van was modeled after a real vehicle but it has some distinct patterns of a Volkswagen Type II Flatbed pickup truck such as windshield and the flat front part of the cab. On top of the Van sits the surfboard and the back has a pair of orange flippers.

Overall, the Old School Surf Van (40100) is a neat set with not much effort to build and it’s great as a summer-themed build. Next month’s mini build is a Monkey (40101). Finally, as usual, it was great seeing my friends as well as fans of the site at the event.

LEGO July 2014 Monthly Mini Build - Old School Surf Van (40100)

LEGO July 2014 Monthly Mini Build - Old School Surf Van (40100) LEGO July 2014 Monthly Mini Build - Old School Surf Van (40100)

LEGO July 2014 Monthly Mini Build - Old School Surf Van (40100) LEGO July 2014 Monthly Mini Build - Old School Surf Van (40100)

LEGO July 2014 Monthly Mini Build - Old School Surf Van (40100) LEGO July 2014 Monthly Mini Build - Old School Surf Van (40100)

LEGO Store July 2014 Mini Model Build Event

LEGO Store July 2014 Mini Model Build Event

LEGO Store July 2014 Mini Model Build Event

[easyreview title=”The Brick Fan Scoring Summary” cat1title=”Design” cat1detail=” ” cat1rating=”4″ cat2title=”Playability” cat2detail=” ” cat2rating=”4″ cat3title=”Value” cat3detail=” ” cat3rating=”5″ summary=” “]


LEGO Store June 2014 Mini Monthly Build Event & Jet Ski Review

LEGO June 2014 Monthly Mini Build

Today was the June 2014 Mini Monthly Build at my local LEGO Brand Store and this month’s build was the Jet Ski (40099). Before the event started, due to the increasing popularity at my store, there was a new strategy implemented to reduce the overcrowding. Instead of kids lining up and waiting their turn to build the set inside the store, they were given a time slot and can do whatever until their specified time has arrived. This new strategy seemed to go pretty smoothly as there was not a whole line of people waiting outside for their turn to build which meant less crowding. Also while at the event, I met a couple of younger fans who requested to take a picture with me (that’s a first). It was unexpected but it was also a pretty cool experience as well.

On to the Jet Ski itself. It’s a simple 33 piece set with no real special pieces or techniques to build it. It was a straightforward build and it comes together quite well at the end. The JetSki can also fit a minifigure which is an interesting trend for this year’s mini builds. The Helicopter (40097) from April could also fit a minifigure as well.

Overall, the Jet Ski is a nice addition to the mini monthly build event. Next month’s build is a beach with a generic white surfboard! The surfboard alone will be one of the cooler parts included in the set.

LEGO June 2014 Monthly Mini Build - Jetski (40099)

LEGO June 2014 Monthly Mini Build - Jetski (40099)

LEGO June 2014 Monthly Mini Build - Jetski (40099)

LEGO June 2014 Monthly Mini Build - Jetski (40099)

[easyreview title=”The Brick Fan Scoring Summary” cat1title=”Design” cat1detail=” ” cat1rating=”4″ cat2title=”Playability”… Continue

LEGO Store May 2014 Mini Monthly Build Dragon (40098) Review

LEGO May 2014 Mini Monthly Build - Dragon (40098)

The May 2014 Mini Monthly Build was held at LEGO Brand Stores yesterday and this month they had the Dragon (40098) available for kids to build. The set contains 43 pieces and you get a cool little green dragon. There’s not that many interesting pieces except for the fairly new LEGO Mixels eyes but you also get a spare one as well. The playability is rather limited but the wings and tail can move on hinges. The Dragon does fit into your Castle/Medieval MOCs if you desire. Here are the instructions if you want to build your own.

Coming up next month is a lime green jetski, just in time for summer. Be sure to get there early or else you risk the store running out of stock.

LEGO May 2014 Mini Monthly Build - Dragon (40098)

LEGO May 2014 Mini Monthly Build - Dragon (40098)

[easyreview title=”The Brick Fan Scoring Summary” cat1title=”Design” cat1detail=” ” cat1rating=”4″ cat2title=”Playability” cat2detail=” ” cat2rating=”3.5″ cat3title=”Value” cat3detail=” ” cat3rating=”5″ summary=” “]


LEGO Store March 2014 Mini Monthly Build Event & 40096 Review

LEGO March 2014 Mini Monthly Build Event

Yesterday was the March 2014 Mini Monthly Build event at my local LEGO Store (Fashion Valley, San Diego) and as usual, the place was packed with parents and kids building the Spring Tree (40096) set. It may seem from the images that the store was bombarded by families and customers but the staff on the floor had it all under control. I didn’t stay for the whole event but it looked like everything went smoothly.

LEGO March 2014 Mini Monthly Build Event

This month’s mini build was a 62 piece Spring Tree. It’s a simple built tree with eyes and a blue jay sitting on top. The piece count may be misleading since the build is made up of a lot of small pieces. It does come with some nice tan arch pieces but it looks off because the rest of the tree trunk is brown. The base is created with two 2×4 lime plates instead of a single 4×4 plate. I also didn’t understand the purpose of the eyes. Overall, it is just a tree with some wacky designs that kids can enjoy.

LEGO March 2014 Mini Monthly Build Spring Tree (40096) LEGO March 2014 Mini Monthly Build Spring Tree (40096)

LEGO March 2014 Mini Monthly Build Spring Tree (40096)

[easyreview title=”The Brick Fan Scoring Summary” cat1title=”Design” cat1detail=” ” cat1rating=”3.5″ cat2title=”Playability” cat2detail=” ” cat2rating=”3″ cat3title=”Value” cat3detail=” ” cat3rating=”5″ summary=” “]

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