LEGO News, LEGO Reviews, and Discussions

Category: The LEGO Movie (Page 19 of 33)

The LEGO Movie Video Game New Screenshots & Gameplay Video

Nintendo Everything has provided a couple of new screenshots of The LEGO Movie Video Game. LegoCloneFanatic has also provided the image above of the open world part of the game. It shows Pyjamas Emmet strolling the streets with the Ice Cream Machine in the background. As we slowly get closer to the release of the movie and the game, more screenshots and videos should be coming out. Check out the new images below as well as a trailer showing some new gameplay.

The LEGO Movie Video Game

The LEGO Movie Video Game

The LEGO Movie Video Game


The LEGO Movie Video Game Radio DJ Robot Walmart Pre-Order Exclusive

The LEGO Movie Radio DJ Robot

A few weeks ago, we reported on The LEGO Movie Radio DJ Robot Minifigure polybag but didn’t know how to get it. I was checking Walmart’s site and the dreaded news has come. By pre-ordering The LEGO Movie Video Game, you will be able to get this exclusive polybag. What’s weird is that it is only available on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 at this time. There’s no word on whether the Radio DJ Robot will be available on PS4 and Xbox One. Gamestop also has some bonuses going on with their pre-orders with the Western Emmet and a $7.50 movie ticket voucher. If the Robot DJ is not available on PS4 and Xbox One, it’ll be a pretty hard decision to make for what system you should get the game for.

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The LEGO Movie Extended Scene – I Am Batman

The LEGO Movie Brick Bust

There is now an extended scene on YouTube The LEGO Movie by moviemaniacsDE. The scene shows Emmet and Wyldstyle on the train trying to escape Bad Cop/Good Cop and his flying police car and is ultimately rescued by Batman and his Batwing. This is also the first time that Emmet finds out that Batman is Wyldstyle’s boyfriend and Emmet is bummed out by this revelation. What will happen next after they’ve “crashed” into the sun?


How The LEGO Movie Was Made Behind the Scenes Video

The LEGO Movie MetalBeard's Sea Cow

If you haven’t got enough of behind the scenes videos of The LEGO Movie, we have one more for you courtesy of ScreenSlam. They have uploaded a video showing how the animators of the movie used actual LEGO sets in their animations. The video also shows glimpses of MetalBeard’s Sea Cow (70810) which will be available next month. If you have some time, I highly recommend watching the video and see how the animators and designers created the movie.

The LEGO Movie MetalBeard's Sea Cow


The LEGO Movie On Set Movie Interviews

The LEGO Movie Brick Bust

In addition to videos of actors doing their lines in our previous post, ScreenSlam also has some videos of the actors doing interviews about The LEGO Movie including Mr. Morgan Freeman. It cool to hear the thoughts of the actors on the movie itself and everyone seems to genuinely to have enjoyed voicing their characters.

Chris Pratt – Emmet


The LEGO Movie Behind the Scenes Voice Recordings

The LEGO Movie Brick Bust

Continuing with our coverage of The LEGO Movie, there are some new behind the scenes videos by ScreenSlam of a couple of actors doing some of their lines for the movie. The LEGO Movie is just 2 weeks away and we’ll be continuing doing articles related to the movie. If you haven’t heard, we are doing a sweepstakes to give away some pretty cool The LEGO Movie swag. If you haven’t entered, you still have time to.

Will Ferrell as President Business/Lord Business


A Few New The LEGO Movie TV Spots

There are a couple of new The LEGO Movie 20 second TV spots that have been released the past day or so. One is called Unlikely Heroes which shows different kind of heroes including super heroes and unlikely heroes.

The other TV spot is called Fate and the fate of the world lies in Emmet’s tiny yellow hands. We’ve already seen plenty of scenes in this video including Batman reiterating that he works only in black and very, very dark grey.

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