In our third review of the LEGO City Space sub-theme sets, we have the Training Jet Transporter (60079). The set contains 448 pieces and retails for $49.99 which comes out to about a $0.11/piece ratio. The contents of the box include five numbered bags, three instruction booklets, a sticker sheet, and a loose chassis piece for the trailer.

There are three minifigures in the set, the driver, service person, and the pilot. The truck driver wears some blue overalls over a light blue shirt and a black undershirt. He has a fully bearded face and wears a red cap.

The female service person wears an orange safety vest with some metallic silver printing for the vest lining on both sides of the torso. She has a happy expression with a wavy orange-brown hair.

The pilot wears the white space suit that we’ve seen before with the astronauts in this wave. The torso has some nice printing which includes the logo on both sides. However unlike the astronauts, he does not have the airtank piece but only a white helmet with visor.

In this set, there are four parts to the build. The first is the little yellow service car that is pretty reminiscent to the ones you see at airports. In the front are some orange safety lights while the sides have the aircraft marshalling wands. The back of the car has a spot for a wrench piece. Finally, there’s an area on the car for an Octan-colored fuel tank.

The next part of the build is the truck. It has a really nice look to it with the red, white, and blue color scheme which matches up with the colors of the Space logo. The style of the truck looks a lot like the Peterbilt brand of semi-trucks. As much as I like the truck, there are also some things that I didn’t like about it. One critique I have about the truck is there is not a seat piece for the driver because he just sits on the plate. The other thing I didn’t like was the back of the truck is kind of bland. You have all the cool details up front but once you get past the cab, it’s like where’s the rest of it.

Following the semi-truck is the trailer that goes along with it. There isn’t that much to it besides adding the back wheels as well as the area to put the Training Jet on which is held on by the orange clamp pieces.

The final part of the build is the Training Jet itself. Like with the semi-truck that looks like its real-life Peterbilt counterpart, the jet looks very similar to NASA’s Northrop T-38 Talon. The one big difference is that the LEGO version has wings that are able to fold in and out depending on the mode it’s in whether it be in flight or being transported. The cockpit windshield opens forward instead of opening backwards like many other jets do. There are a couple of stickers to give the Training Jet some detail like the ones underneath the cockpit area, on the wings, and of course, the Space logo on the tailfin.

Overall, the LEGO City Space Training Jet Transporter (60079) is a pretty nice set that includes many different builds. My favorite part of the set is surprisingly not the Training Jet as the set features but instead it’s the semi-truck. I really love the overall look of the truck even with the little fault I mentioned earlier. The Training Jet itself isn’t too shabby either but doesn’t do enough to stand out, in my opinion.

I’ll eventually have the review of the last set of the Space sub-theme with the Spaceport (60080). After that, I can give my overall assessment of all the sets in this Summer 2015 wave so stay tuned for that as well.

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