LEGO has revealed the front images of the Series 9 Collectible Minifigures on their Facebook page. The minifigure bios are also on their minisite. Whitefang over on Eurobricks has already done an extensive reviews on the Series 9 minifigures. He states that now there might be only two complete sets in an unopened box. Does this mean that some minifigures are more rarer than other? That could happen but that’s the luck of the draw. Which Series 9 minifigure are you looking forward to getting?

Alien Avenger
“Smash, mash, and destroy!”
The Alien Avenger is part of a team of rough, tough space warriors assembled from all across the galaxy. With armor and weapons scavenged from the battlefields of a hundred war-torn worlds, he may lack military discipline, but he makes up for it with brute strength and eagerness to charge into battle no matter the odds.
As one of 5,000 identical siblings, the Alien Avenger is used to not standing out in a crowd. But it doesn’t bother him that some may see him as just another nameless, faceless trooper – give him a planetoid beneath his feet and a disintegrator blaster in his hand, and he’ll take on anything and everything that comes his way!”

Battle Mech
“To the rescue – go!”
Whenever danger threatens the planet, the mighty Battle Mech goes into action! Launching from its secret base, it blasts through the sky on powerful retro-rockets, using an arsenal of built-in weaponry and gadgets to battle enormous space monsters, out-of-control asteroids, and other perils.
No one knows for sure who built the Battle Mech or who commands it on its missions. Did it come from another dimension where it stood thirty stories tall? Is it remote-controlled by a team of young science students? Whatever the truth, there’s no denying that it’s one of the greatest hi-tech defenders the world has ever known!”

Chicken Suit Guy
“What you folks need is a guy in a chicken costume!”
The Chicken Suit Guy started out as a fast-food mascot, but he knew that he could be much more. If he could help people decide what to have for lunch, then surely there must be other ways that he could help too. So he set out on the road and started to travel the world in search of adventure.
Now wherever people are in trouble, the Chicken Suit Guy will be there, flapping his wings and making clucking sounds until the crisis is over. It’s hard to say how he always ends up going exactly where he’s needed most, but everyone is glad to know that there’s a Minifigure in a giant chicken costume looking out for them!”

“I’ve got my eye on you.”
Forever watchful and alert, the Cyclops is the only inhabitant of a distant, uncharted island. He stares out to sea with his one unblinking eye, roaring at anyone who sails too close to the shore. But although he looks big and mean, he secretly hides a very sensitive soul beneath his scowling exterior.
Who wants to be a monster all the time? There isn’t a lot to do when you live all alone on a deserted island, so the Cyclops spends most of his spare time writing poetry and building sculptures out of driftwood and seashells. He hopes to one day find a friend who really understands him – and with whom he can finally see eye-to-eye!”

Forest Maiden
“You can seek, but you won’t find me!”
The spirited Forest Maiden often played in the deep woods as a child, and now that she’s grown up, she knows each root and branch by heart. As a member of the Forestman’s merry band, she can slip silently into the trees and shadows to disappear from sight…but her greatest skill lies in building traps.
From rope snares hidden in the grass to wooden cages that drop down from above, the Forest Maiden knows the best way to capture any creature that might invade her woods or threaten her home and friends. And if an enemy should happen to avoid her traps, then watch out – her bow and shield aren’t just for decoration!”

Fortune Teller
“You will lead a long and uneventful life. Or maybe you’ll be kidnapped by aliens!”
The mystical Fortune Teller has a unique gift for prophecy…sometimes. Half of her predictions come true in every last detail, while the other half turn out to be wildly wrong. Even she doesn’t know which ones are which. It’s led to some very happy customers – and some extremely annoyed ones, too.
It’s gotten to be such a big problem that the Fortune Teller has started second-guessing her own second sight. Whenever she tells someone’s fortune, she also makes something up that’s the exact opposite. It may be confusing, but at least she can be reasonably certain that she’ll always be at least half-right!”

Heroic Knight
“It’s all in a day’s work for this good knight!”
Clad in shining armor and with his sword and shield always at his side, the Heroic Knight is the greatest hero of his age. He rides across the land, fighting for justice and righting wrongs wherever he finds them, and asks for nothing in return except the happiness of those he has helped.
With so many good deeds to perform, even a Heroic Knight can get confused sometimes. He means well, but occasionally he does try to rescue dragons from princesses. Fortunately, the dragons are usually grateful enough to give the kingdom back its stolen treasure!”

Hollywood Starlet
“Thank you so much! I couldn’t have done it without all of you!”
The Hollywood Starlet may be new on the movie scene, but she’s on the fast track to becoming the most famous and beloved actress in the world. Beautiful and talented, she can make the audience laugh or reduce them to tears, and keeps them coming back to watch her next performance.
More than anything else, the Hollywood Starlet wants to work with the Thespian to create the best movie ever made. She’s tried everything, but so far he’s refused to step in front of the camera. Maybe now that she’s won the top film award, he’ll finally change his mind…and in the meantime, she’ll be acting her heart out on the silver screen!

“I’ll be the judge of that!”
The stern Judge considers himself to have the final word on everything. When court is in session, he’s a force of justice, settling arguments and separating the innocent from the guilty with wisdom, a vast knowledge of the law, and his mighty wooden gavel.
Outside the court, though, he keeps on judging everything he sees. He judges how well flowers are arranged in gardens, how tasty the condiments are on his burger, and how talented people are as musicians if they happen to whistle as they walk down the street. With each weighty judgment he makes, the Judge bangs his gavel to declare that the matter has been decided once and for all!”

“I wonder if I should have turned at Easter Island…”
Most mermaids spend their time frolicking beneath the waves, but this one has a special calling: she’s determined to become the first mer-person to ever swim all the way around the world. With the Ocean King’s blessing and her lucky starfish for company, she’s set out to circumnavigate the globe by sea and to see all of the exciting sights along the way.
So far, she’s seen bridges and boats, lighthouses and lagoons. She’s gone swimming with penguins, tide-raced with sea turtles, and once even went on a people-spotting tour with a group of friendly whales. The only thing the Mermaid regrets about her trip is that she hasn’t been able to find an underwater mailbox to send all of her postcards home!”

Mr. Good And Evil
“Should I build or deconstruct today?”
Transformed by a laboratory accident, Mr. Good and Evil has been split into a good side and a bad side. Half of him wants to help people and solve problems, while the other half craves nothing but chaos and destruction.
Because both halves are in the same body, they’re constantly trying to sabotage each other. As a result, everything good that he tries to do ends up at least a little bit bad, and everything bad comes out a little bit good. According to the other Minifigures, it actually makes him a pretty decent neighbor…if you don’t mind all of the arguing!”

“Looks like another tough job for ol’ Plungey!”
Few Minifigures work harder than the good-natured Plumber. He’ll tackle any job, no matter how messy it may be, and always goes to work with a cheery smile on his face. As long as he’s got his trusty plunger and his can-do attitude, there’s nothing he can’t handle.
It’s a good thing he’s willing to take on tough projects, because you wouldn’t believe the strange things the Plumber encounters on an average day. From lost civilizations in the sewers to alien invaders in the plumbing, he’s seen it all…and even more impressively, he always gets the toilet unclogged in the end!”

There’s no one more dedicated to catching bad guys than the brave Policeman. He may work out of the big city, but he’ll tirelessly pursue crooks no matter where they try to hide, risking life and limb every day while doing his duty to protect the public and uphold the law.
Robbers may flee to the distant desert or the dense forest, but they’ll always hear the footsteps of the Policeman following behind them. And just when they think they’ve gotten away with the loot, there he’ll be with his shiny badge and handcuffs to arrest them and haul them off to jail. Break the law and beware: the Policeman always gets his Minifigure!”

Roller Derby Girl
“Can’t stop now – I’m on a roll!”
When the Roller Derby Girl starts speeding along on her skates, nothing slows her down – and nothing had better get in her way! She’ll zoom right through any obstacle, large or small, leaving rival players spinning dizzily in her wake. It’s a skill that has made her one of the best roller derby scorers around. The only downside? Once she really gets going, she just can’t stop herself!
When the game is done, she skates right through the door and through the city, rolling faster and faster as she goes. Soon she’s a red and blue blur, leaving scorch marks on the road in her wake. By the time the Roller Derby Girl finally manages to slow down, she might be in another town or another country. Once she even found herself on a whole different continent!”

Roman Emperor
“I came, I built, I conquered.”
As the ruler of a great ancient empire, the Roman Emperor is used to getting his way all the time. He expects the other Minifigures to polish his sandals, feed him grapes, and carry him around wherever he wants to go, and it really steams him up when anybody disobeys.
There’s only one thing that the Roman Emperor likes better than being obeyed, and that’s making up new rules for everybody else to follow. He’s especially fond of creating extra months in the year and naming them after his favorite food and pets. And if anybody doesn’t like celebrating the 5th of Hamstertober, well…that’s why he keeps the Roman Soldier around!”

“Good evening. May I recommend this fine green plastic bottle with a picture of grapes on it?”
The Waiter is the very model of balance, manners and poise. Perpetually patient and polite, he always knows exactly what drink to serve with each turkey leg, sausage link, or pizza pie his customers order…although it might be because he only has one bottle, and he serves it every time.
There’s just a single thing that rattles the calm of the cool and collected Waiter, and that’s unexpected noises. Something as simple as a hiccup across the room is enough to startle him, and a sneeze once almost made him drop his tray. You don’t even want to know what happens when somebody nearby burps!”
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