After over a decade of being online, the official LEGO Message Boards will be shutting down on March 6. This move makes way for more of LEGO’s resources to go to LEGO Life which they’ve started to push more for. The message boards are still active but check out the announcement post for deadlines to do things on there.

To be honest, I’ve been on there once or twice but I didn’t really get into it that much and somehow I don’t think it appealed to adults as it did with younger kids. Were you a part of the LEGO Message Boards and are you surprised that it’ll be closing down in a few months?

After much consideration, a very difficult decision has been reached that the Mods need to share with you all. The Message Boards will be retired on March 6, 2017. The entire community, including all forums and all content within them, will be taken offline permanently.

Just like a LEGO set, theme, game, or site nothing can last forever. In order to make way for the exciting features of the future we must occasionally retire older features. That is the current case with the message boards.

The Mods would like to thank you all for being such amazing community members. Every forum is filled with creative, inspiring, and exciting writings thanks to you! We truly appreciate the passion each of you has contributed to this community and hope that LEGO passion will carry through this transitional time.

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