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LEGO Dimensions to Keep Going for at Least Three Years

Even though LEGO Dimensions doesn’t launch for a few more days, TT Games Executive Producer Mark Warburton has stated that there are more plans to roll out more expansion packs in the future. How many you ask? He has stated there is a three year plan cycle for more LEGO Dimensions Fun Packs, Team Packs, and Level Packs which means more minifigures.

We have a three year plan at the moment and we’ve got no intention of stopping there. We’ve created the technology to the degree that we’re happy it meets our needs for the future. We’ve created the toy pad so that it shouldn’t need to be updated. And we can just create new level and character packs to keep expanding that.

Warburton has also stated that you only need the Starter Pack to get 100% and the Platinum trophy so no expansion packs are needed to get all the achievements. LEGO Dimensions will be launching in two days on Sunday, September 27.

**Via Eurogamer**

LEGO Ideas One Year Deadline Approaching

LEGO Ideas

Last year, LEGO CUUSOO made the transition to LEGO Ideas and all the active projects that were grandfathered in had 365 days to get 10,000 supporters. If you want to show your support for these older projects, you essentially have one month or 31 days, to be exact, before they are archived by the system.

Below are the top projects that have over 8,000 supporters with a month left that could use your support if they don’t already for the final homestretch.

Update: GlenBricker is running a LEGO Ideas Deadline Bracket over on his website of projects that are in their final days.

RMS Titanic

Legend of Zelda: King of Red Lions Play Set

Iron Man Hulkbuster Project

Daft Punk

LEGO Toys-to-Life Game Rumored for Later This Year

IGN is reporting of a rumor that LEGO will be working with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Traveller’s Tales to release a toys-to-life game later this year. What does that mean? Think of Activision’s Skylanders, the Disney Infinity toys, and the Nintendo amiibo where you have physical toys that are projected to gameplay.

Last year, LEGO jumped to the digital world with the LEGO Fusionicon sets that combine bricks and apps that interact with the builds. Furthermore, the LEGO Ultra Agentsicon sets have the AppBricks that let you interact more with the apps. It looks like LEGO will be taking their quest to further leverage digitalization with the rumored toys-to-life game for later 2015.

Happy Lunar/Chinese New Year 2015!

Chinese New Year Candytray

Today is Lunar New Year, aka Chinese New Year, and it begins the Year of the Sheep/Goat. Happy New Year to everyone who is celebrating the next couple of days and I wish everyone happiness and good luck. The above MOC is created by Andy Hung (Andybear) and it shows the traditional candy box that is used during this time of the year. On the lid of the box, you can see the word 福 which means fortune or good luck. You can also see some traditional gold ingots that were used in China in the past as a form of currency. I know I’ll be eating out of these boxes the next few days and enjoying all the goodies inside.

To celebrate Chinese New Year, LEGO has released a small Year of the Sheep (40148) set. Unfortunately, it is/was only available in countries in Asia. If you really want one of these sets, there are some available on eBay and BrickLink.

As an eBay Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

LEGO Year of the Sheep (40148)

The Brick Fan Turns 3 Years Old

With all the LEGO news that came out this week, I totally forgot all about the date that happened this past Sunday, The Brick Fan turned three years old. The past year has been quite a journey and what a journey it was. What stared out as a hobby site literally became a full-time job last year and it was pretty cool to say the least. Again, I won’t be posting any site stats but you can check out the recap of what happened in 2014 here.

Like with many of these kinds of posts, I would like to sincerely thank all the readers that come by. Whether you’re here for just a certain article post or if you’re a regular reader, thank you. To everyone that have emailed me or commented about anything, thank you. I do enjoy responding to comments and to give people more information about a certain set or minifigure that they may not know about is a good feeling. I believe sharing knowledge is important to the success of anything and this site is my way of sharing what I know.

I’ve made a lot more friends as well as acquaintances the past year and it’s somewhat in part because of this site. It’s actually been a wild ride last year because I met so many new people from everyone at Philly Brick Fest, which was my first LEGO convention, to the people behind the scenes of various LEGO sites like BrickLink. It sounds weird but LEGO not only connects … Continue

LEGO Pirates 2015 Chess Set Coming This Year?

LEGO Pirates 2015

We already know that the LEGO Pirates theme will be returning in 2015 with a wave of five sets but there’s some additional information that has surfaced in the past couple of days. Just2Good over on Eurobricks is reporting that there will also be another LEGO Pirates set this year, a Pirates Chess set! The last LEGO Pirates Chess sets was released six years ago back in 2009 with set 852751 so it’s cool to see it making a comeback as well along with the theme itself. There’s no further details other than that but stay tuned as we’ll update you with more information as they become available.

The LEGO Movie 2 Takes Place 4 Years After First

There are some new details of The LEGO Movie 2 coming out of Empire Online today. As we know by now, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller will be writing the script for the movie which will be released sometime in 2018. One quote that stood out from the interview is:

Miller: “Well I don’t want to give you spoilers but we were really interested in what happens to that boy who’s in the meta story in the first movie when he’s four years older. When he’s an adolescent how does that change his point of view?

“And it’s nice to have the characters start in a different place from the first movie. Emmet, for example, was in an existential crisis of having seen another dimension and was questioning the whole point of his existence.”

What I got from that is The LEGO Movie 2 will take place four years after the first one with Finn most likely returning as a character. It’s not known at this time if Jaden Sand or Will Ferrell will be returning as Finn and “The Man Upstairs.” Also, since Finn is a little older now, will he be going into the “Dark Ages?” It’ll be interesting to see what Lord and Miller will come up with for the sequel.

Also today, Warner Bros. was released a new clip showing some of the behinds the scenes stuff that happened while creating The LEGO Movie. You can check that out below.

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