There are about two weeks left in the year and for those who are still trying to get the LEGO Star Wars UCS Millennium Falcon (75192), here are some tips for you to potentially get one to get the exclusive Black VIP Card before the end of 2017.
Shop@Home is pretty much out of the question as there has been very low quantities on-hand online for a short period of time. Your best chance to get one is if you live close to a LEGO Brand Store. Either call or visit them and check if their waiting list for the Falcon is close to being done. I’ve have a few reports from readers that say their stores (Palisades Mall for one) have completed their lists and the Falcons are now on a first-come, first-served basis. If they do have some in stock, ask if they can put it on hold and you can hop over there to pick it up. If not, check when their next shipments are and it’s possible there may be some on the trucks. Also you can ask to be put on the waiting list if the stores are still doing them for the next ones that come in.
It’s unfortunate that the Black LEGO VIP Card is only available with a purchase of the UCS Millennium Falcon because there was so much demand and very little quantities for fans, there’s no way that it will pass the reported 30,000 number of cards that are available. Hopefully LEGO will extend the promotion … Continue