The LEGO BIONICLE Facebook Page has announced that the BIONICLE Mask Hunt has begun. All you have to do is to find real world objects that correspond to the BIONICLE power elements: fire, ice, jungle, water, earth, and stone. Then upload your images to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using the hashtag #BionicleMaskHunt and the six best pictures will win one of the six 14 karat gold masks.

The contest will last six weeks. Each weekly winner will get a LEGO BIONICLE set corresponding to the submitted mask element. (Total value of $14,99 – $19,99 / EUR 14,99 – EUR 19,99). Each of the overall winners will win one of the 14 karat gold masks that correspond to the submitted mask element. (Total value of $159.99 / EUR 159,99)

… Continue6 Winners of the week will be chosen among the entries received between March 30 – April 5.
6 Winners of the week will be chosen among the entries received between April 6 – April 12.
6 Winners of the week will be chosen among the entries received between April 13 – April 19.
6 Winners of the week will be chosen among the entries received between April 20 – April 26.
6 Winners of the week will be chosen among the entries received between April 27 – May 3.
6 Winners of the week will be chosen among the entries received between May 4 – May 10.
6 Overall Winners will be chosen among the 36 weekly winners of the week that submitted their entries between March