If you’ve ever visited BrickPicker before, you would know that you can get gauge the value of your LEGO sets by using their tools. Our friends Jeff and Ed have now started a new marketplace that you can use to sell your LEGO products. It’s called Brick Classifieds. It’s another avenue that you can use to sell your items besides on BrickLink, BrickOwl, eBay, or Amazon just to name a few. You may have probably seen their ad that’s been up on our sidebar for a few weeks now.
If you’ve ever bought or sold LEGO products before, you know that it could be a difficult process to deal with. Brick Classifieds tries to make that process a simpler one. It’s sort of a classified ad to sell your items. What makes a little unique is that some of the sellers are also BrickPicker members which has their own community of collectors and investors there. Member of the forums there are pretty cool and the mods run a pretty tight ship. You don’t have to be a member of BrickPicker to buy and/or sell items on Brick Classifieds but there are some valuable information that you can use such as set value. Also with every item listed, it’s required to have an actual photo of the item because stock photos are not allowed.
Buying off of Brick Classifieds is pretty straightforward and similar to other secondary markets like BrickLink and eBay. The buyer adds items to their cart and pays with Paypal. The items will … Continue