If you’re a user of BrickLink, they have announced that they will start charging sales tax and VAT on products on the site. Sales and use tax will be collected in the US by the end of September and VAT will be charged to EU sellers starting on August 5. You can read more about it below.
… ContinueDear BrickLink member,
Over the next few weeks, BrickLink will undergo some changes that will affect our membership. These changes are necessary for our platform to be compliant with sales and use tax and VAT legislation where applicable. We also feel they will help build our reputation as a well-regarded ecommerce site. These changes are broken down into three categories outlined below:
1) We will begin to collect sales and use tax in the United States. We have already registered in two states – Connecticut and California – and we plan to register in more states within the next few months. All orders shipping to an address in these states, even from stores outside the United States, will be subject to this tax requirement. We anticipate BrickLink will start collecting this tax by the end of September.
2) We will begin charging VAT on BrickLink fees to EU sellers who have not enabled the VAT feature on BrickLink. The first invoice date this will take effect on is Aug 5, 2020. All VAT-enabled EU sellers will now have their VAT registration checked by BrickLink.
3) We will soon present you with a revised Terms of Service. You will