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Tag: BrickLink MOC Shop

BrickLink MOC Shop Now Live

It appears that the new BrickLink MOC Shop is now live. If you haven’t heard about it, basically the MOC Shop is a place where people can show off their builds and other people can purchase them if they desire. BrickLink CEO Jay Kim has released a statement about the latest service as BrickLink’s modernization project aka BrickLink 2.0:

With MOC Shop, BrickLink is on a mission to bring the creativity of building back to the world by means of everyday commerce. We’re providing a platform where our sellers and buyers can meet a whole new category of “designers.” We not only sell loose parts and official LEGO sets but also custom designed sets built by the most innovative brick artists around the globe. Our platform seamlessly connects designs to active BrickLink stores that will source the parts based on preference or popular demand. We’ve built a system where anyone can share, review, and purchase parts and manuals all in a collective experience. We’ve introduced the one-click solution for you to buy packaged MOCs as gifts or even just for yourself.

Also as part of the BrickLink MOC Shop going live, the Seed Part Challenge #1 has begun as well. The part that is required for the contest is Medium Azure Vehicle or Mudguard 4 x 2.5 x 2 with Arch Round. You can read more about the rules of the Seed Part Challenge here. The submission phase ends in two weeks on September 5th.

Check out all stuff that going on at the new … Continue

BrickLink Announces MOC Shop and Teaser Page

BrickLink MOC Shop

Earlier this month, BrickLink officially announced that they will be launching the BrickLink MOC Shop in May. It is a place where members can create, share, buy, and sell their MOCs to other members in the community. Builders can upload an image or the LDD file of their MOC for members in the community to like and comment on it and if it gets enough recognition, it becomes a candidate for it to be sold. The design of the MOC will be evaluated for parts availability by sellers. If it is approved, the MOC will be available for purchase as a BrickLink Original. You can read more about the process on the post here. BrickLink has released a teaser page for the MOC Shop (above image). What do you think of this new service and will any of you be selling your MOCs?


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