There’s a very interesting rumor coming out of Eurobricks courtesy of none other than Just2Good. Over in the Series 14 topic, there was mentioning of a LEGO Disney Collectible Minifigures Series coming in May 2016. This was also mentioned before on his April Fool’s post but nobody really took it seriously because it was April Fool’s Day.

This rumored Disney Collectible Minifigure Series is a really interesting theme since LEGO has been doing various Minifigures series based on different themes including The LEGO Movie, The Simpsons, and the upcoming the Series 14 Monsters (71010). There are a number of characters that could be used because of Disney’s vast collection of animated movies but one thing that was also mentioned was Pixar.

Another question that could be asked is if Marvel would be affiliated in the way distant future because Disney acquired Marvel back in 2009 and LEGO has already produced a lot of Marvel characters as minifigures. Many LEGO Marvel Super Heroes fans have been wanting a series of Marvel characters as Collectible Minifigures. I’m not saying that LEGO will be making a line for this but it’s certainly a possibility.

There’s so many questions to be asked out of this LEGO Disney CMF rumor but we’ll have to wait until next year to see if this is actually true or not. Again, this is just a total rumor and should be taken with a grain of salt for now but keep in mind that J2G has been a pretty reliable source of upcoming products.… Continue