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Tag: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (Page 30 of 62)

First Look at LEGO Super Heroes Mighty Micros Minifigures

Captain Nemo over Eurobricks has referenced Flickr user luiggi who has posted some images of the minifigures that will be in the upcoming LEGO Super Heroes Mighty Micros sets. These sets are pretty much small racer sets featuring Super Hero characters from both DC and Marvel.

As you can see below, the minifigures are basically chibi versions of the characters with them having funny expressions and short legs. There will be six sets in the initial wave of the LEGO Super Heroes Mighty Micros sets and they’ll be available in spring 2016. The sets are as follows:

DC Comics Super Heroes

Batman vs Catwoman (76061)
Robin vs Bane (76062)
76063 The Flash vs Captain Cold (76063)

Marvel Super Heroes

Spiderman vs Green Goblin (76064)
Captain America vs Red Skull (76065)
Hulk vs Ultron (76066)

Catwoman MR

Spider Man MR

Green Goblin MR

Hulk MR


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avengers Hulk (5003048) Polybag Review

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avengers Hulk (5003048)

As I mentioned yesterday, the new LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avengers Hulk (5003048) polybag promotion is now available at Toys R Us stores. You can get it free with purchases of $30 or more on LEGO sets minus LEGO Dimensions or if you’re lucky, you can get it individually for $4.99 each. It contains 27 pieces and it’s similar to the Rocket Raccoon (5002145) from last year.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avengers Hulk (5003048)


The minifigure is based off the Age of Ultron bigfig version of the Hulk from the The Hulk Buster Smash (76031). He does have the same olive green colored skin with purple pants which are dual-molded and goes around the back of the legs. The Hulk also has a double-sided head with angry expressions on both but one has an open mouth. The hair is your simple black one but it could’ve used the spikier one from like the Sleepyhead to match up with the bigfig. Also to note that this is only the second minifigure version of the Hulk with the other being a Shop@Home promo back in 2012.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avengers Hulk (5003048)

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avengers Hulk (5003048)

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avengers Hulk (5003048)


The other part of the polybag is the small version of the Hydra off-roader from the Hydra Showdown (76030). The main play feature is the hinged part in the middle of the vehicle which allows you to take it apart as if Hulk was breaking it. The handles on each end lets Hulk hold it.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avengers Hulk (5003048)

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avengers Hulk (5003048)

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avengers Hulk (5003048)


Like with Rocket Raccooon, the Hulk polybag also has stickers you can add to the Age of Ultron sets. … Continue

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avengers Hulk (5003048) Promo Now Live at Toys R Us

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Hulk (5003048)

The promotion for the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avengers Hulk (5003048) minifigure polybag is now live at Toys R Us stores. You can get it free with purchases of $30 or more on any LEGO sets minus LEGO Dimensions. Some may even get lucky and just purchase them separately. If there are any left over after this week, you can purchase them for $4.99 each. The TRU item code is 169132 if you’re looking for them since employees are sometimes confused on what these polybags are.


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Doctor Strange Set Coming in 2016?

Did you catch that subtle hint dropped by Just2Good? He did his thoughts video about the upcoming 2016 LEGO Marvel Super Heroes sets and he dropped a hint about a set involving Doctor Strange coming next year. It could be a set tied in to the Doctor Strange movie starring Benedict Cumberbatch that will be coming out in November 2016 or one that’s based on the comic books but I think it’ll be the former since LEGO tends to release sets based off the movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe even if it’s a one-off set such as the Ant-Man Final Battle (76039). I could be wrong though. Stay tuned as more information is revealed in the upcoming months.

Update: Sir Gareth on Eurobricks has said that the set is tied in to the movie a few months ago. I missed it since I don’t spend that much time on EB as I used to.


Some LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2016 Official Images

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Iron Skull Sub Attack (76048)

There are now finally official images of some of the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes sets coming out in 2016. First is the Iron Skull Sub Attack (76048) which includes minifigures of Scuba Iron Man, aka Mark 37 (Hammerhead), Scuba Captain America, Iron Skull, and a Hydra Diver.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Iron Skull Sub Attack (76048)

The other set is the Avenjet Space Mission (76049) which has minifigures of Space Iron Man, aka Mark 39 (Starboost), Space Captain America, Captain Marvel, aka Carol Danvers, Hyperion, and a bigfig Thanos.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avenjet Space Mission (76049)

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avenjet Space Mission (76049)

Thanks to Jimmy86 for the heads up.


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avengers Hulk (5003048) Confirmed for Toys R Us December 6 Promotion

The new Toys R Us ad for December 6 has started arriving in mailboxes and one of the LEGO promotions that will be going on is for the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avengers Hulk (5003048) minifigure polybag. You can get it free with purchases of $30 or more on LEGO sets. LEGO Dimensions is excluded with this promotion. After the promo period is over, you can most likely purchase them separately probably for around $4.99 each, if there are any left over. The item code is 169132 if you have trouble finding them.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Hulk (5003048)


Some LEGO Super Heroes 2016 Minifigure Details

In the past couple of days, there have been more leaks of various LEGO sets but of course I’m not going to post the images. However I can still talk about them, mainly for some of the LEGO Super Heroes including DC and Marvel.

There’s not much details about the DC sets except that one of them includes minifigures of Batman, Harley Quinn, and Deadshot.

The details of some of the Marvel sets have been floating around various forums but there is information that some of you may enjoy. For the Iron Skull Sub Attack (76048), the set includes minifigures of Scuba Iron Man, aka Mark 37 (Hammerhead), Scuba Captain America, Iron Skull, and a Hydra Diver.

Another set is called the Avenjet Space Mission (76049) and it’s a neat one. The Avenjet is similar to the ship seen in the Avengers Assemble animated series but the cool stuff is the minifigures that are included. We get Space Iron Man, aka Mark 39 (Starboost), Space Captain America, Captain Marvel, aka Carol Danvers, Hyperion, and get this, a bigfig version of Thanos.

I know this is pretty vague with no official images to look at but I’m pretty excited for the new characters especially Thanos. Also the new Iron Man suits gets us a little closer to a collection of the Iron Legion from Iron Man 3. If you do run across these leaked images, please do not post them in the comments or I’ll have to remove them.

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