LEGO News, LEGO Reviews, and Discussions

Tag: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (Page 32 of 62)

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Throne of Ultron Review

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

In my second review of the San Diego Comic Con 2015 exclusive sets, I have the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Throne of Ultron that was sold to ticketed attendees on Friday. The set has 203 pieces and was sold for $40. This set recreates the brief scene in Avengers: Age of Ultron of Ultron sitting on his throne.


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Winter Soldier (5002943) Giveaway Winner Announced

A few weeks ago, I ran a contest to give away a LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Winter Soldier (5002943) minifigure polybag. The contest is now over and there was a total of 3,090 entries. The winner was randomly chosen by and the winner is:

Trisha C.

I’ve emailed the contest winner and they have 3 days to reply with their information and if I don’t receive it in time, I’ll have to reroll the winner.

If you didn’t win, don’t worry. I’ll be having another contest soon for something that many LEGO fans would be interested in. Here’s a hint, it involves San Diego Comic Con. Stay tuned in the next few days as I try to catch up on posts from SDCC.


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Throne of Ultron Building Instructions

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

On the second full day of San Diego Comic Con 2015, LEGO sold the exclusive LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron set. Like with the Action Comics #1 Superman set, I’ve opened it up and have provided the building instructions for the set for you readers.

I can confirm there are no exclusive part to the Throne of Ultron set so that’s a sigh of relief for those who are wanting to recreate this set. However there are a few parts that are somewhat rare due to the fact that they have just been recently released this year in sets. For example, the fire pit bowl 6104346 is only in a couple of the newer LEGO Friends and LEGO Elves sets. Other than that, all the other pieces should be readily available on BrickLink if you’re sourcing your parts.

For the minifigures, Ultron is the same one as in The Quinjet City Chase (76032) while the Ultron Sentries are from Iron Man vs. Ultron (76029) with their neck brace 6104350 from the The Hulk Buster Smash (76031). If you already have these sets, then you should have no problem putting together the minifigures.

Again, you can head over to my Flickr album to see larger building instruction images or you can download the PDF version to use at your convenience. On pages 28 and 29, I’m not sure why the steps go from 13 to 16 but it’s in order so there aren’t any missing steps.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron Throne of Ultron


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Exclusive All New Captain America (Sam Wilson) Review

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 All New Captain America (Sam Wilson)

In my second review of the San Diego Comic Con 2015 LEGO exclusives, I have in hand the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes All New Captain America (Sam Wilson) minifigure. This version of Captain America is based on the new Marvel Secret Wars event where Sam Wilson, formerly the Falcon, has taken the reigns of Captain America.

Like with the other SDCC LEGO exclusive minifigures, Captain America is packaged in the small clamshell with a piece of cardboard to show the background. The background itself has the Secret Wars logo with some meteors falling with the red, white, and blue. The bottom left corner does show “San Diego Comic Con International 2015 Exclusive” so this minifigure might not show up in future sets.

The Sam Wilson Captain America minifigure has some great printing throughout and there are many small details that make the minifigure a definite pick up. The torso is mostly blue with the white star and wings. The lower area of the torso has some red to round out the colors of the flag. The belt buckle is one of the details that stand out for me. The legs are blue and red with the red part being the boots that are half printed on the front, side, and back. The head is mostly white representing the mask Sam wears with some red goggles. One nice thing to note is that he has a double-sided head with a smiling expression on one side and a stern look on the other. The hair is the slick … Continue

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Winter Soldier (5002943) Giveaway

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Winter Soldier (5002943)

A few weeks ago, my Facebook Page hit 5,000 Likes and I realized I never did anything to celebrate the event. Well here’s a little something to make up for it. Last month, LEGO had a promo for the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Winter Soldier (5002943) minifigure polybag. Some of you may not have had the chance to pick it up so here’s a way for you to try and win one. The winner gets to do whatever with it, whether it be opening it up, keep it sealed, or sell it. It’s up to you.

As usual, I’ll be using the Rafflecopter app. There are a few ways to enter. First, visit The Brick Fan Facebook Page and while you’re there, why not throw a like on the page. Next is to follow me on Twitter and/or Google+. The last two are optional but it does increase your chances a little. That’s it! I’ll let the contest run until Sunday, July 12 at midnight PST. One winner will be chosen randomly and I’ll ship the polybag to you for free. I’ll just need your shipping address.

It’s not much but this is just a little something to give back to the community. Thanks to everyone for your support and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


LEGO SDCC 2015 Exclusive Set Official Box Art Images

SDCC 2015 LEGO Star Wars Dagobah Mini-Build

It looks like all the San Diego Comic Con 2015 LEGO exclusive sets have been revealed and there are now official box art images of the sets. What we didn’t know about the LEGO Star Wars Dagobah Mini-Build is that there will also be a R2-D2 minifigure included in the set. Although it’s not a new version, it’s nice that one is included. If there’s more sets to be revealed, I’ll add it on to this post.

On another note, I believe there’s still one more exclusive minifigure to be revealed because it was noted on a previous article that the drawings would be held from Thursday through Saturday. The LEGO Marvel Super Heroes All New Captain America (Sam Wilson) and LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes Arsenal have already been revealed.

LEGO Star Wars Dagobah Mini-Build – 177 pieces/$39.99

SDCC 2015 LEGO Star Wars Dagobah Mini-Build

LEGO Star Wars San Diego Comic Con 2015 Exclusive Dagobah Set

LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes Action Comics #1 Superman – 145 pieces/$39.99

SDCC 2015 LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes Action Comics #1 Superman

SDCC 2015 LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes Action Comics #1 Superman

LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Exclusive

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Throne of Ultron – 203 pieces/$39.99

SDCC 2015 LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Throne of Ultron

SDCC 2015 LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Throne of Ultron

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC Exclusive Throne of Ultron

LEGO SDCC Retail Exclusives: Winning ticket required for purchase
You must first enter the drawing by picking up a ticket (see below) and then attendees go to the LEGO booth to redeem their ticket if they have a winning ticket and purchase the set at the LEGO booth. The LEGO booth will be located in Hall D, booth #2829.

Ticket Drawing Location:Pavilion Terrace (Upper level outside Sails Pavilion). Attendees must first enter the main Convention Center entrance from the line at the front of the main building. Entry to the LEGO retail drawing at the


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Exclusive Sam Wilson Minifigure Revealed

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Exclusive Sam Wilson

USA Today has revealed one of the exclusive LEGO minifigures that will be given away free at San Diego Comic Con 2015, Sam Wilson. This version of the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Sam Wilson is the “All-New Marvel” Secret Wars version in which he is the new Captain America.

To get the All New Captain America (Sam Wilson) minifigure at SDCC 2015, there will be a raffle done, similar to last year, where they had iPads set up and you just tap it to see if you’re a winner. If you are, you’ll be sent to an employee to pick it up and if you’re not, hopefully you can find a good price for it on eBay. I’m sure the line for this minifig will be very long.

One thing to note is that the article states the limited-edition minifigures will be obtained from drawings Thursday through Saturday so that means there are only three being released this year which is rather odd since there was one every day last year.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes SDCC 2015 Exclusive Sam Wilson

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