A few weeks ago, I was sent something very cool to review. As a fan of LEGO as well as Transformers, this was definitely right up my alley. JK and Alanyuppie from Malaysia has created Brick Label, transforming robots that uses 100% genuine LEGO parts. The first set in their Masterbrick series is Metalhide MB-01 which is pretty much G1 Ironhide of the Autobots from the Transformers series. The Masterbrick Series is a play on the TakaraTomy/Hasbro Transformers Masterpiece Series.
Alan has created a number of LEGO Transformers as you can see from his blog. Like with the regular Transformers toys, Metalhide can change from vehicle mode to robot mode. However unlike LEGO Creator sets where you have to take apart pieces to build another build, you do not have to do that with this guy. You just do some twisting and folding of the joints and you’ll have the alternate mode.
As we all know, creating anything with LEGO takes a certain skill set with all the designing that you have to put into it but creating a transforming LEGO build takes even more planning since you have to figure out how to transform the car without affecting the integrity of the set.
When you build Metalhide for the first time, you’ll notice there are some very neat building techniques used to build the robot mode. Alan has done a great job in making the robot mode a playable model. There are a number of different types of joints used to articulate Metalhide. … Continue