Continuing with another book review from Warren Elsore, we have Brick Wonders: Ancient, Modern, and Natural Wonders Made from LEGO. The book is a sequel to the best-seller Brick City: Global Icons to Make from LEGO
which we have also reviewed. Like the previous book, it contains 256 fully illustrated pages and it retails for $19.99. Also, the cover is a mix of a hard and softback in a sense that it is not a full hardback but soft enough to bend a little.

The first chapter of the book follows its predecessor where it talks about the history of LEGO, where to buy bricks, building tips, LEGO design software, so on and so forth. There is some information about sorting and storing of your LEGO bricks and online resources you can use to help you build.
In a little different format than the previous book, Brick Wonders has the chapters that are categorized into types of wonders in the world including the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Historic Wonders, Modern Wonders, and Natural Wonders.

Like his previous book, there are lots of photos of Warren’s highly detailed builds along with an informative description of the what the subject is about. Included in the chapters are some builds that you can build using the instructions that he has provided like a Mini Sphinx, Trojan Horse, and Chinese Pagoda just to name a few. The instructions again are condensed into one page and are somewhat small. This may give novice builders some trouble when … Continue