The Poptropica: Dr. Hare’s Lair by PopCreators is the latest project to reached 10000 supporters on LEGO CUUSOO. If you’re not familiar with Poptropica, it is an online game created by Jeff Kinney, the author of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book series, and most of it’s players are young children and younger teenagers. Players go to different islands and complete quests to earn credits to spend at the store. The CUUSOO project is based on the lair inside the Carrot Cake Factory that Dr. Hare set up on 24 Carrot Island. The project features the evil genius bunny in his laboratory with accessories that a villain usually has as well as the Giant Rabbot.
Poptropica: Dr. Hare’s Lair joins quite a few projects that qualify for the Fall 2013 Review stage including the Female Minifigure Set, the ATLAS Mini Model, FTL: Faster Than Light, and the Ghostbusters 30th Anniversary project. With Poptropica being the 5th project to qualify for the review, I believe the 2013 Fall Review will have the most projects to be reviewed in it’s history and it may have a few more projects joining before the end of the month. The Fall deadline still a few weeks away and the Macross VF-1 Valkyrie by maxvf1 and Teekay’s Ghostbusters projects have a decent shot in joining the list as well. Congratulations to PopCreators and to the other qualifiers for reaching the review stage!

… ContinueCongratulations on 10,000 supporters, PopCreators!
You sir, are an evil genius. Back in January, you