The LEGO Ninjago TV series panel was earlier today at San Diego Comic Con 2017 and there was some new information regarding Season 8. I was also live-tweeting the panel which can check out on Twitter.
The panel consisted of Writers Kevin and Dan Hageman, showrunner Tommy Andreasen, senior creative director Simon Lucas, IP lead Nelson Lamonica, and suprise guest David Shayne. The first thing the panel talked about was last season’s Hands of Time.

The first thing the panel talked about was some of the inner workings of the previous season. They showed off some concept art and talked about what the season was about.

They dug deeper into some of the villains who were involved including Sander Saunders, aka Krux, and the Vermillion. Like before, there are some prototypes of the Vermillion.

Next up is more concept art for the Kai and Nya’s Fusion Dragon. They explained that they wanted to make it look more organic.

Finally, there was the big question of where Wu is. We’ll find out more in Season 8. One cool thing that was touched on was some kids at last year’s panel gave some suggestions on how Zane got his powers and the Hagemans took those suggestions and we will be seeing them next season.

Finally, we have the opening sequence clip for Season 8. I didn’t record or take pictures as it technically wasn’t allowed but that didn’t stop some from doing it. Embedded below is the whole clip which you can watch before it gets taken … Continue