The Surf Rescue project by LegoSurfRescue is the latest project to achieve 10,000 supporters on LEGO Ideas. This project shot up to the top of the mountain in the past day earning over 6000 supporters in the last few days. It features a non-licensed idea beach scene but more importantly it sends a message. In his last update, Damien stated that he has only about 6-10 weeks to live due to Stage 4 melanoma skin cancer and this project he has created with his son brings awareness to always be sun smart by protecting yourself when outdoors.

The project now joins The Blues Mobile, SEGA Classic Arcade Machines, Dungeon Master, Red Arrows Hawk, Venetian Houses, and Jeep Wrangler, NBC’s The Office, Tron Legacy Cycle, and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as the projects to reach the First 2017 Review Stage.
