Target LEGO Storage Orange Transparent Round Brick 1 with Retro LEGO T-Shirt

Now available at at Target stores and online are some new, exclusive limited time only toys. One of these items is a LEGO Retro Storage Brick and T-Shirt. The orange storage brick is in the shape of a round 1×1 brick that allows you to store your loose LEGO bricks.

The shirt is yellow but unfortunately, it only comes in kids medium size. It shows a couple of LEGO logos throughout the years including the one from 1953 prominently displayed across the chest.

In stores, the LEGO Retro Storage Brick and T-Shirt retails for $19 but online, it’s going for only $15.99 which is a bit strange to why they have different prices. Again, this combo is only available for a very short time, most likely through the holiday season. We will be receiving one for review shortly and will be doing a review on it so stay tuned for that.

Target LEGO Storage Orange Transparent Round Brick 1 with Retro LEGO T-Shirt
